Back to work - Day Eleven

Started the day off with a bit of a struggle, trying to get out bed and get ready to head to the sanctuary. I managed to do so though!

When we got there,  a tour of the sanctuary was already happening, though this time it was for some school children instead of a usual group of adults. The children get to walk all the way to the main building and then watch a video on the sanctuary followed up with some activities of drawing and writing notes to put on the wall - greetings to the bears and such.

Anyway, the delivery had arrived at that point so we just headed out to take a walk, look at the bears and stroke the dogs. Two of the bears in the enclosure next to the building were walking back and forth and occasionally colliding with one another so I took out my iPod and started to film them.

We carried on walking after this, further down, towards where the new enclosure is been built. Here, there was a weird sound coming from somewhere I initially could not figure out. However, after a quick look around I realised that one of the bears was actually making this noise. By licking his paw, or sucking on it, this noise, strange... unexpected. So, with a lack of phone but a handy iPod with video capabilities, albeit basic, I took my chances with it and hopefully you'll be able to hear it too.

By the time we got back, the delivery had arrived and we started on opening up the frozen meats. This made it easier in some respects to open packages but incredibly difficult with others. Some meat comes with a bit of paper attached to the meat on the bottom, for some unknown reason, and when frozen causes the paper to stick and therefore tear when you want to take it off.

Following completion of the meat openings, we had lunch, and then made a start on the fruits and veg. Even though we had some help from the workers, we didn't quite finish everything in time for us to be picked up. There was only a box left to sort through, full of cucumbers each wrapped in their own plastic casing. We had already made it through two boxes worth which took a long time.

Got back to the apartment and rested a little before walking to the market to get some oranges and bananas. We then decided that we wanted to get a Chinese takeaway and tried to make a call on the landline, didn't work. So Estelle lent me her phone to use and I dialed the number and starting speaking to the woman on the other end of the phone. Turns out Estelle's phone doesn't work and people on the other end can not hear you. So we just walked to a Chinese restaurant instead. It was cheap, costing 95 lei total which works out as less than 10 pounds each.

After getting a quick hot chocolate at Gotts (that's the previously named Scottish bar), we watched The Dark Knight on DVD and then went to bed. Well, the girls did, I stayed up and started typing for the benefit of my readers!


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