
Let's start with the beginning, my arrival at the airport and going through security. Not the greatest of experiences. 

First I start putting my bag, items in my pockets and whatnot in the box to go through the X-ray machine, but in order to ensure I do everything right, I ask the security guard if I need to take my camera out of my bag and put it separately in the box, she just looks at me and says "laptops". 

"So, I don't need to take my camera out?"


Moving on, walk through the metal detector, goes off.

"Please remove your boots"

Arghasdklfshlfkhlf! (I didn't say this out loud, though I did sigh)

They padded me down and put my boots through the X-ray.

Wait for my bag, comes through, other security guard... "you're going to have to take out your camera"

They put my camera through the X-ray.

10 minutes later - freedom!!!


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