Busy Bear Food - Day Seven

Today was a long but fairly quick passing day. We were kept busy by sitting in the kitchen and opening hundreds of yogurts and other dairy products to pour into a crate, combine it with bread and dog biscuits to create the bears' "ice cream". They love it apparently though I have not yet had the opportunity to witness it. I'm sure they do though! When each crate is filled we then put it into the freezer, moving a plastic crate full of liquid can be a challenging, but interesting, task to complete. We managed with them all, bar one. Some made it on to the floor but was quickly absorbed up with some of the bread we were using.

So that took up the whole morning till lunchtime, and then after lunch we continued on strong trying not to cover  ourselves, and one another, in milk, cheese, or anything somewhat fluid. There was an occasional mishap, one right at the start when Estelle got some yogurt to fly across onto my forehead, but I managed to get her back later on (by accident I might add) with some dairy in the eye. We were inside, no wind blowing our rubbish bags all over the place, I had my music in one ear, and a good rhythm going so it was a good day.

We finalised the day with the meats. Sometimes opening the meats just require a quick knife slit into the bag and emptying the contents into the crate and other times it takes quite a while to peel off the labels, plastics, covers and things.

When all the food was finished with, we proceeded to the pick up point just outside the sanctuary but we had a little time just before pick up to take some photos on the way. As usual, the dogs were a good sight to see, always friendly and sometimes willing to pose...

...and other times, camera shy.

The bears were interesting as usual, one tried to hide behind a tree but was perhaps a little too big lying down to hide himself completely.

Anyway, moving further down, whilst we were busy taking photos of the bears.

The dogs were going for a swim in the little pool behind us.

So I then switched to my zoom lens to try and capture a closer shot of the fox and more in detail image of a bear.

As we made our way down the hill, we made one final stop to say hi to Mia, the bear in quarantine, to feed her a couple of apples. Today I managed to stroke a claw, as weird as that may sound and touch her nose!

I also took this shot and just wanted to put it in there.

And in case you were wondering, this how we take our photos, through the fence!


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